Myopia Management

Please visit our site Myopia Control Strathfield for information on Ortho-K Lenses.

Myopia is a condition in which the eyeball elongates causing blurry vision in the distance, commonly known as near-sightedness. This is frequently “corrected” with spectacles or soft disposable contact lenses. The prevalence of myopia has dramatically increased worldwide and is expected to affect 50% of the entire population by 2050. [1]

Myopia control is a term used to describe treatments with the aim of slowing the progression of myopia or near-sightedness in children.

Unfortunately, myopia cannot be cured, but we can help reduce the rate of progression. There has been a lot of research which is ongoing, investigating treatment options to reduce myopic progression compared to simple single vision glasses.

Myopia control is extremely important as short sightedness can worsen very quickly without any intervention, hence increasing the chances of myopia related eye diseases. ANY DEGREE OF MYOPIA INCREASES THE RISK OF DEVELOPING SIGHT-THREATENING EYE DISEASES such as glaucoma, retinal detachment, myopic maculopathy and more. [2] [3]